Year 8 Netball

The 8B Netball team had their first fixture last Tuesday....
The girls played some fantastic netball against Urmston Grammar and Sale High.
The first game was against Urmston, and after a little bit of a nervy start, the girls soon settled in and played confidently, which led to them narrowly missing out on a win; the overall score 5 – 4! Player of the match: Faria Zaidi GD.
The next match was against Sale High. After a bit of a rotation in positions, with some playing in positions they had never played before, they began to develop a good understanding. Specific mention to our super defence (Maryam Khan, Tanya Rajput and Faria Zaidi) who made things extremely difficult for Sale to get the ball in the circle! Overall, very well-deserved win: 4 – 1! Players of the match: Faria Zaidi GD, Evie Wood C.