Our Governing Body
Register of Business Interests
Surname |
Forename |
Date of Appointment |
Term of Office Ends |
Date Stepped Down (where applicable) |
Appointed by |
Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests (as recorded in the register of interest) |
Associate Member (Y/N) |
Voting Rights (Y/N) |
Almond |
Harry |
27.01.12 |
18.06.27 |
N/A |
The Governing Body of Stretford Grammar School |
No |
N/A |
Board Member - Young Enterprise Area (Trafford) |
Brettell |
Maureen | 02.10.24 | 01.10.28 | N/A |
Bryan |
Jane |
14.09.22 |
13.09.26 |
N/A |
Employed by Trafford |
No |
N/A |
No |
N/A |
Crowley |
Denis |
07.12.22 |
07.12.26 |
N/A |
Staff Governor |
Daly |
Paul |
17.12.14 |
16.12.27 |
N/A |
No |
N/A |
Deane | Jane | 20.1.23 | 19.1.27 | N/A |
Co-opted Governor Chair of Governors at St Mary's Primary and PTA. Secretary of PTA at Stretford Grammar School. |
Holden |
John (Cllr) |
12.09.12 |
11.6.2024 |
26.6.2024 |
Elected Member of Council (Trafford), |
No |
N/A |
Governor - Tyntesfield Primary and Brentwood Special Schools (Trafford) |
Lynn |
Steven |
19.6.16 |
18.6.27 |
N/A |
previous Stretford Grammar Employee |
No |
N/A |
Magistrate - Greater Manchester Judiciary |
Mullins | Michael | Headteacher | N/A | Spouse - Teacher at Stretford Grammar School | No | N/A | ||||||||
Potter |
John |
1.11.2020 |
31.10.2024 |
N/A |
None, but son DP is employee of school |
No |
N/A |
Soliva |
Jo |
19.10.11 |
18.10.27 |
N/A |
Teacher (Loreto College) |
No |
N/A |
Co-Director Manchester and North West Disability Swimming Club |
Taylor |
Sophie |
04.01.13 |
03.01.27 |
N/A |
Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospital NHS Trust |
No |
N/A |
Manchester Metropolitan University |
Elected Member of Council (Trafford), |
Tyldesley-Worster |
Richard |
12.12.18 |
11.12.26 |
N/A |
Co-Opted Governor |
No |
N/A |
Vermes |
Mark | 20.1.23 |
19.1.27 |
N/A |
Co-Opted Governor |
No |
N/A |
Counsellor - Chelford Parish Council/LA Governor for Chelford School |
No |
N/A |
Instrument of Government
Board of Governors
Meeting | Governors | Title |
Meetings Attended (1.9.2024 to 31.8.2025) |
Governors | Mr. M. Mullins | Headteacher | 0 | Out of | 4 |
Mrs. M. Brettell | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of | 4 | |
Dr. J Soliva | Co-opted Governor – Vice Chair | 0 | Out of | 4 | |
Mr. J. Potter | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of | 4 | |
Cllr. S. Taylor | LA Governor | 0 | Out of | 4 | |
Mr. P Daly | Partnership Governor | 0 | Out of | 4 | |
Mr. R. Tyldesley-Worster | Co-Opted Governor | 0 | Out of | 4 | |
Mr. D. Wilson | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of | 4 | |
Dr. J. Bryan | Associate Governor | 0 | Out of | 4 | |
Mr. D. Crowley | Staff Governor | 0 | Out of | 4 | |
Mrs. J. Deane | Parent Governor | 0 | Out of | 4 | |
Mr. M. Vermes | Parent Governor | 0 | Out of | 4 | |
Mr. S Lynn | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of | 4 |
Board of Governor Committee Dates
- 2nd October 2024
- 11th December 2024
- 2nd April 2025
- 25th June 2025
Finance and Resources Committee
Finance and Resources |
Meetings Attended (1.9.2024 to 31.8.25) |
Chair | Mr. J. Potter | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of | 3 |
Governors | Mr. H. Almond | Partnership Governor | 0 | Out of | 3 |
Mr. M. Mullins | Headteacher | 0 | Out of | 3 | |
Mr. S. Lynn | Co-Opted Governor | 0 | Out of | 3 | |
Mr. R. Tyldesley-Worster | Co-Opted Governor | 0 | Out of | 3 | |
Mrs. J. Deane | Parent Governor | 0 | Out of | 3 | |
In attendance | Mrs. M. Faulkner, School Business Manager | ||||
Clerk | Mrs J Evans (to Oct 24) |
Finance and Resources Committee Remit
Remit for Finance and Resources Committee
It is a statutory requirement that all delegation is reviewed annually.
The governing body has to decide the membership of the committee on an annual basis. A clear resolution approving the membership of the committee must appear in the minutes of the main governing body. Where the Head is a governor they will be an automatic member. The committee will elect from their number a chair at the first meeting of each academic year.
Name of Clerk: Janet Evans
The governing body must appoint a clerk to each committee who must not be the Headteacher of the school.
The quorum shall be three members of the committee of which the Headteacher shall be one.
Meetings will be held regularly, or at least once each term, as required. One week’s notice of the agenda must be given by the Clerk of the committee when convening a meeting. The Clerk will be responsible for calling the meetings and producing minutes.
Decisions taken by the committee in terms of finance and resources must be consistent with the priorities identified within the School Development Plan which should be costed within the Budget Plan. The main function of the Finance and Resources Committee will be to advise the Headteacher on the general financial management of the school which has been delegated to him by the full governing body subject to the following:
- During the autumn term the committee will consider the financial out-turn figures for the previous financial year and will assist the Headteacher in drawing up the outline budget plan – the LA will provide the Headteacher and the Chair with details of the school’s budget allocation by 31 March;
- During the early Summer Term the committee will receive from the Headteacher the provisional budget plan and approve that provisional budget plan in accordance with any principle which the governing body may have set within the costed School Development Plan (e.g. the annual review of staff salaries) and seek the approval of the full governing body for that budget;
- Following approval by the governing body, the Finance and Resources Committee will submit the school’s budget plan and Best Value Statement signed by the Chair of the governing body, for that current financial year to the Local Authority by the 30 June;
- Following approval by the governing body, the Finance and Resources Committee will submit the Statement of Internal Control, signed by the Chair of the governing body, based on information for the previous financial year to the Local Authority during the autumn term;
- The committee will assist the Headteacher in monitoring the budget having regard to costed pupil numbers and will receive reports from the Headteacher, on a regular basis at least termly, as to the cumulative monthly spend;
- The committee will advise the Headteacher on measures to be taken to correct variance where appropriate including both major areas of underspend as well as overspend;
- As part of the delegation of the day to day financial management of the school, the Headteacher will have delegated powers to authorise expenditure in line with the agreed budget not in excess of £10,000 on invoice and £3,000 to order and to virement* an amount of money not in excess of £10,000 between budget sub-headings;
- The Finance and Resources Committee will have delegated powers to authorise expenditure of an amount of money not in excess of £20,000;
- The Finance and Resources Committee will have delegated powers to authorise the virement* of an amount of money not in excess of £50,000;
- All virement* of funds must be reported to the full governing body;
- Receive termly monitoring reports on how the school is working towards gaining the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS), or if it has been gained, how it is maintaining the financial management standard;
- List any other decisions or tasks that are delegated to this committee;
- The Finance and Resources Committee will be responsible for reviewing the Health and Safety Policy and submitting it to the governing body for approval;
- The Finance and Resources Committee will subsequently assist the Headteacher in implementing the Health and Safety policy by:
- receiving reports relating to any Health and Safety issues from members of staff/work place safety representatives
- ensuring that, as far as is practicable, all measures are taken to provide a healthy and safe working environment for pupils, staff, visitors and other persons employed in the school;
15. The Committee will work with the Headteacher to draw up a care and maintenance programme for the school;
16. The Committee will be responsible for inviting tenders for any repairs and maintenance contracts in accordance with the Authority's;
17. Financial Regulations and Standing Orders and for the arrangements made for the subsequent monitoring and evaluation of contractual work;
18. Draft and recommend for approval by the governing body any capital bids required by the Local Authority;
19. List any other decisions or tasks that are delegated to this committee;
20. Any decisions made or actions taken by the Finance and Resources Committee will be minuted and reported to the next meeting of the governing body.
21. In terms of personnel, the aims of the Committee will be to ensure that all staff employed in the school are valued, treated equitably and are encouraged to achieve their full potential to the mutual benefit of the individual and the school.
Decisions taken by the committee must;
- be consistent with and seek to achieve the priorities identified within the School Development Plan;
- accord with the governing body's Equal Opportunities Policy, Race Equality Policy, Disability Equality Scheme and Equal Opportunities Legislation;
- have regard to any budgetary constraints.
Recruitment and Selection Procedures
School will appoint staff in accordance with the Trafford agreed recruitment procedure.
- The committee will have delegated powers for the recruitment and selection of staff as agreed by the governing body, other than the appointment of the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and teachers on the leadership pay spine, and are required to follow the procedures in the Recruitment and Selection Procedure. The recruitment and selection of the Headteacher or a Deputy Headteacher must be carried out by a selection panel chosen by the full governing body and the full governing body must approve the candidate recommended for appointment by that selection panel
- The Finance and Resources Committee will be responsible for implementing and reviewing the governing body's Discipline and Grievance Procedures. No fewer than three members of the committee shall also act as the first committee in carrying out the governing body's disciplinary and grievance procedure. Any subsequent appeal within either of those procedures should be heard by a second or appeal committee whose membership must be different from and at least equal in number to that of the first committee i.e. no member of the first committee may serve on the second committee.
- The Finance and Resources Committee should also consider any requests for leave of absence, which are in excess of the days, which the Headteacher is authorised to approve.
- The Finance and Resources Committee will be responsible for drafting the pay policy and either approving it or submitting it to the governing body for approval. They will subsequently undertake the annual review of the salaries for all staff within the parameters agreed in the pay policy.
- Should it be necessary for the governing body to consider the reduction of the staffing establishment at the school, by whatever means, the Finance and Resources Committee will carry out any initial investigation with the Head and submit their recommendations for the governing body to consider. The Finance and Resources Committee will subsequently have delegated powers to carry out the necessary consultations with the LA and the recognised Trade Unions on behalf of the governing body, and to serve as the first committee where any procedures might lead to the dismissal of a member of staff.
- List any other decisions or tasks that are delegated to this committee.
- Any decisions made or action taken by the Finance and Resources Committee shall be minuted and reported to the next meeting of the governing body.
Any decisions made or actions taken by the Headteacher must be reported to the Finance and Resources Committee and noted within minutes.
Any decisions made or action taken by the Finance and Resources Committee, including the endorsement of the Head's decisions, will be minuted and reported to the next meeting of the Governing Body.
* Vire or virement is to move or the movement of money between cost centre headings.
Headteacher Pay Committee
Mr Harry Almond
Dr Jo Soliva
Mr Stephen Lynn
External Advisor – Mr T Gartside
Pay Committee
Mr Harry Almond
Mr Jon Potter
Mr Richard Tyldesley-Worster
Appeals Pay Committee
From all governors subject to availability and impartiality
Finance and Resources Committee Dates
- 20th November 2024
- 26th February 2025
- 4th June 2025
Standards and Curriculum Committee
School Standards & Curriculum |
Meetings Attended (1.9.2023 to 31.8.24) |
Chair | Dr J Soliva | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of 3 |
Governors | Mr H Almond | Partnership Governor | 0 | Out of 3 |
Dr J Soliva | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of 3 | |
Mr M Mullins | Headteacher | 0 | Out of 3 | |
Dr J Bryan | Associate Governor | 0 | Out of 3 | |
Mr D Wilson | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of 3 | |
Mr R Tyldesley-Worster | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of 3 | |
Mr P Daly | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of 3 | |
Mr. M. Vermes | Parent Governor | 0 | Out of 3 | |
Mrs. J. Deane | Parent Governor | 0 | Out of 3 | |
4 In attendance |
Mrs L Baxter - Deputy Headteacher, Mr D Price - Assistant Headteacher Miss E Eeles - Assistant Headteacher |
Clerk | Mrs E Hayes |
School Standards and Curriculum Remit
School Standards & Curriculum Committee Remit
It is a statutory requirement that all delegation is reviewed on an annual basis.
The governing body decides the membership of the committee on an annual basis. A clear resolution approving the membership of the committee must appear in the minutes of the main governing body. Where the head is a governor they will be an automatic member. The committee will elect from their number a chair at the first meeting of each academic year.
Name of Clerk: Emma Hayes
The governing body must appoint a clerk to each committee who must not be the Headteacher of the school.
The quorum shall be three members of the committee of which the Headteacher shall be one.
Meetings will be held regularly – at least once each term, or as required. One week’s notice of the agenda must be given by the Clerk of the committee when convening a meeting. The Clerk will be responsible for calling the meetings and producing minutes. Committee minutes will be sent to the governing body for noting.
Decisions made by the committee must be consistent with the implementation of the National Curriculum, the provision of Religious Education and Collective Worship, the governing body’s Curriculum Policy Statement, the Governing Body’s Sex Education Policy, the provision for students with special educational needs and the priorities identified within the School Development Plan.
The main functions of the committee will be:
- To review the curriculum and provision for students and staffing consequent upon this provision. This includes a review of external examination results.
- To review as necessary any of the governing body curriculum policies and to consider any changes which are required and to approve them.
- The committee will work with the Head and staff to undertake any preliminary review or audit of the School Development Plan prior to its submission for approval to the Governing Body.
- The committee will monitor the sections of the School Development Plan (SDP) that are concerned with the curriculum and receive evaluation of them at the end of the cycle.
- The committee will monitor and review action plans and schemes in relation to race, disability and gender. They will review and report on progress in these areas on an annual basis.
- To enable the committee to do so effectively they will from time to time required to work as a task group in close collaboration with the staff of the school whose professional expertise will be invaluable.
School Standards and Curriculum Committee Dates
- 13th November 2024
- 12th March 2025
- 21st May 2025
Student Admissions and Welfare Committee
Student Admissions and Welfare |
Meetings Attended (1.9.2024 to 31.8.25) |
Chair | Mr R Tyldesley-Worster | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of | 3 |
Governors | Mr. M. Mullins | Headteacher | 0 | Out of | 3 |
Dr. J. Soliva | Co-opted Governor/Vice Chair | 0 | Out of | 3 | |
Mr. P. Daly |
Partnership Governor |
0 | Out of |
3 |
Mr. H. Almond | Partnership Governor | 0 | Out of | 3 | |
Mr. J. Potter | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of |
3 |
Mrs. S . Taylor | LA Governor | 0 | Out of | 3 | |
Mr. R. Tyldesley-Worster | Co-Opted Governor | 0 | Out of | 3 | |
Mr. D. Crowley | Staff Governor | 0 | Out of | 3 | |
Mrs. M. Brettell | Co-opted Governor | 0 | Out of | 3 | |
In attendance | Mrs H. Dolphin - Assistant Headteacher
Mr. D. Price - Assistant Headteacher and DSL |
Clerk | Mrs E.Hayes |
Student Admissions and Welfare Committee Remit
Student Admissions and Welfare Committee Remit
It is a statutory requirement that all delegation is reviewed on an annual basis.
The governing body decides the membership of the committee on an annual basis. A clear resolution approving the membership of the committee must appear in the minutes of the main governing body. Where the head is a governor they will be an automatic member. The committee will elect from their number a chair at the first meeting of each academic year.
Name of Clerk: Emma Hayes
The Governing Body must appoint a clerk to each committee who must not be the Headteacher of the school.
The Quorum shall be three members of the committee of which the Headteacher shall be one.
Meetings will be held regularly – at least once each term, or as required. Decisions made by the committee will be consistent with the statutory requirements relating to admissions and ensure that the School’s Admissions Policy and procedures conform with the various acts relating to gender, racial, disability and age discrimination and the School’s own policies in these areas. One week’s notice of the agenda must be given by the Clerk of the committee when convening the meeting. The Clerk will be responsible for calling the meeting and producing minutes. Committee minutes will be sent to the governing body for noting.
The main function of the committee will be to publish annually the School’s Admissions Policy. In this context, the Schools’ Admissions Policy includes all matters pertaining to the entrance of students to the School – including the setting of the pass mark, all administrative processes, all testing procedures, all review processes and all statutory appeals processes. In determining this Policy, the Governors will review as necessary the administration and effects of the Admissions Policy for the previous year, consider any changes which are required, and approve them. As such:
- The committee will be responsible for ensuring that the school publishes an Admissions Policy for consultation each year and that this Policy is communicated with Trafford after the appropriate consultations.
- The committee will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the marketing of the school and the effectiveness of its communications with all stakeholders.
- The committee will monitor and review the Admission of students to the School in relation to race, disability and gender in line with the 2010 Discrimination Act. They will review and report on progress in these areas on an annual basis.
The Committee will:-
- Advise the Governing Body on matters relating to the welfare and discipline of students of the school, in particular safeguarding, child protection and prevent duties
- Monitor the implementation of Governors’ policies which provide a framework for the management of matters relating to student welfare and discipline.
- Review the policies relating to Welfare on an agreed basis, making recommendations to the Governing Body.
- Monitor the management of exclusions and formally discuss relevant statistics at each term.
- Review the attendance procedures and statistics each term.
- Liaise with the School Council to hear matters raised through the council.
- Consider the equalities duties of the school and the school accessibility plan
- As and when appropriate, invite members of the school council to speak to the committee. The Governing Body empowers the Committee to make decisions on matters of student admissons, welfare and discipline, subject to ratification at the next meeting of the Governing Body.
Student Admissions and Welfare Committee Dates
- 6th November 2024
- 5th March 2025
- 14th May 2025