“Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.”
Flora Lewis
Our Curriculum
In Modern Foreign Languages we offer students a rich, spiralled curriculum of exciting opportunities to practise the four key skills essential to communicate positively in the classroom and in authentic situations with others. We are dedicated to provide all students with a challenging, engaging, nurturing learning environment where all experience and achieve success.
Getting better at MFL
In Y7 students start their MFL journey by building up both confidence and linguistic understanding of the target language and its culture by forming connections between other languages and the one they study. As students progress through the Key Stages, they develop a strong understanding of how to apply grammatical rules effectively whilst improving their spontaneity in both the written and spoken elements. At Key Stage 5 students are well equipped to study literature, politics, history and film writing essays of A Level English standard in the target language. Throughout the Key Stages, students increasingly work independently and are provided with clear, personalised feedback which springboards them further into their language learning.
Beyond School
Oracy is central to communication in any language and in any area of life. We strive to equip students with a powerful arsenal of communicative skills not only in the target language but also in English (or any other language they may speak). We encourage students to continue their language learning journey throughout life and students value languages in the work place. By studying a foreign language, students widen their cultural capital, broaden their horizons and learn about their place in the world.
Medicine, Business, Travel and Tourism, Translation and Interpreting, Law, Diplomacy, Politics, Education, Public Health, Leisure, Finance, Social Care, and many more.